Friday, January 14, 2011

Fatherless Friday

That all of these boys have very little chance of ever being loved?

Of ever being in a family?

Of ever being valued?

Of ever being someones son?


Two reasons. 

#1) They are boys.

#2) They are considered 'older'. 

How sad it that??

I personally have adopted an older boy, and I can tell you he is such a great joy to our family, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Look at their little faces, and imagine what their future is going to be like.....then imagine what it can be like, if a family comes for them....

If you're thinking about adoption please take a look at the older children, especially the older boys. 

They are the last to be chosen.

And oh what blessings they are!

*all these boys are waiting on 


  1. I agree! Older kids are such a blessing...well said my friend.

  2. I agree! And oh how I love boys! We always asked for boys because we were told they waited so long, but to our surprise we were blessed with more girls than boys!? Now after finding RR that will change. :o)
