Monday, April 25, 2011

Our Florida mini-vacation :)

We stayed a few days on the FL panhandle last week....this was taken in Apalachicola, which is a very historic seaport.  Used to export a ton of cotton.  I found this guy there and decided to ditch Rich for this swashbuckler...

                                           looking for shells and creatures...

                                                   Rich and the pirate....right after this picture was taken they started to fight over me. 

                                           Rich won and he took me to this historic home in Apalachicola, which belonged to a cotton baron, David Raney. 

                                                  This palm has been here since the 1800's.  Almost as old as my dad.

                                              Sunset at Alligator Point.

                                              A shark came about 2 feet away from me at this place...I wish we had our camera with but we didn't.  It was about 4 ft long.  I was all done playing in the water after that!

                                              A giant hermit crab and giant snail.  The snail would spread out all over my hand and stick.  It was neat.

                                               Another secluded spot.  Cool roots.

                                       We went to a historic cemetery in Apalachicola...this grave was for 2 babies from the 1800's. Confederate soldiers were also buried here.

                                            a blue crab :)

It was awesome.  I'm so glad we used our free tickets...we almost didn't.  Our oldest son Shane stayed home with all the kids and I was a little worried about that, but he did an AWESOME job!  I was so surprised at how well it went at home.  It was so nice to have a few days alone with my husband and the weather was great. 

I can't wait to go back :)


  1. That looks like so much fun! You look fabulous! How can you possibly be old enough to have a granddaughter!

  2. You're my new best friend Catherine. :) :) :)

  3. Hi Jodi,

    So glad you posted pictures of your vacation. This area of Florida looks just lovely. It's great that you had a little get away with your hubby. I really enjoyed the pictures from Easter too.

  4. Thank you Patty! I always appreciate your comments :) :)
