Friday, May 20, 2011

Fatherless Friday

I love this little guy.  He just seems so sweet.  He's the same age as my Michael and knowing how neat boys are at this just makes me so sad that he's in an orphanage and no one is getting the chance to see how awesome he is.  He REALLY NEEDS A FAMILY....are you looking for a sweet, kind, cheerful and sociable little boy of your very own ?????????  Well, here he is!     :)

Gregory J.
Date of Birth: January 2002
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gray
Hair: blond
Character: Sociable, kind, cheerful

Meet Gregory! Gregory is 8 years old and has Apert syndrome. You can tell by the light in his eyes and the smile on his face that he is exactly how he is described above! Sociable, kind, and cheerful. Families who are interested in adopting Gregory must be home study ready before we will be able to get additional medical info about him. However, families who are willing to take a leap of faith are welcome to commit for him until more info is available.


  1. HE certainly does have joy radiating out from those eyes!! Hopefullly someone will see beyond his medical issues and go get him!

  2. If me and Hallie could adopt him we would!
