Friday, July 23, 2010

ok, dumb question here....

how do you delete comments...I don't remember how. I know I have before, but can't remember what I did.....I know this gets the 'duhh' award.


  1. When you go to your each blog post, under each comment you should see a little picture of a trash can. Just click on that. Otherwise, when you do comment moderation through your dashboard, it will bring you through the moderation process.

  2. I don't have a trash can :(

    But I found the page that says what to do if you don't have one....but I don't understand it :)

    Not to worry-- I have a computer wizard for a son....I just need to catch him at home!

    But thanks Leah :)

  3. Whose comments are you wanting to delete?

    I'm starting to get a complex here!!!

    Paranoid in NC

  4. I hope you figure it out. I monitor my comments and if I ever get a comment I don't like I don't publish it.

    Have a great week!

  5. Oh, I get it now. You don't want Lisa making fun of me anymore on your blog. You're SO SWEET!!! Yes, delete all of Lisa's comments. I'm in total agreement on that one.


  6. Don't you need to be in the sign-in mode to see the trash can?

    By the way, let me know when you want me to teach you how to "right click."


  7. kristin, you're a goofball!

    Gretchen, I'm perfectly happy being ignorant of such things :)

  8. Did you ever get this figured out??? If not...I can walk you through it. email me at deanleah at and I can help you.
