Friday, December 24, 2010

Fatherless Friday and Remembering Derek Loux

Merry Christmas everyone!  As you go into this blessed holiday weekend hopefully spent with family, friends and loved ones, I want to ask that you keep the fatherless in your thoughts and prayers...the ones who are not loved and cherished...the ones that lay alone day after day.  The ones that have little hope outside of the dear Lord coming to take them home.  Please pray that they are comforted and fed and loved on even a little bit this Christmas season.  But especially please pray that it's their last Christmas alone in the world.    The photo's I leave you with today are the children that didn't make it to their earthly families.  They waited and waited...but time ran out for them.  It didn't have to be that way....PLEASE step out in faith to save one of the 'least of these' that they can experience the love of family too.
 Precious Anne Marie...from Artioms orphanage.
 Little Erra....
 Little Ivan.....
Little Sergey....
 Little Alina...
 Little Katerina....
 Little Olga....
 Little Alexander....

And Finally, I leave you with a great man, Derek Loux.  He stepped to the other side to help Jesus with all these children a year ago today.  He was truly one of the best examples of Christian love that I have ever seen.  He LOVED the fatherless with all he had in him.  No matter the cost, no matter the outcome, no matter what the 'return' was.  He just loved.
Heaven has been richer this past year.  Please join me in prayer for his family as they continue the wait to be reunited with this amazing man.  Take a minute to read the post about Redemption that shows a glimpse of Dereks heart...a pure reflection of Gods love.

I know without a doubt upon entering the gates of Heaven Derek heard these words "Well done my good and faithful servant"


  1. Jodi,
    Thank you for this heartfelt post. Thank you for reminding all of us to continue to pray and advocate for these precious little souls. We hope you and your family have a Blessed Christmas. I will be praying for you that the new year finds you returning to EE to bring home another treasure. I know this is your heart's desire. Oh, by the way, Toma's hair looks cute, even with the little part he did in the front :)

  2. Oh Jodi...I never heard of Derek before. I was reading about him just now...sobbing of course. What a man! What we are all called to do. Bless his dear family...and are they absolutely beautiful or what.

    Merry Christmas....I'm praying for orphans about you? (and the families there right now away from home :-)

  3. Merry Christmas Jodi and your crazy but amazing family!!! I hope you all have a wonderful celebration tomorrow with your newest addition!
